Revive - Washable Rugs

The Revive Rug Collection, a fusion of sophisticated comfort and practicality. Immerse yourself in the indulgence of its ultra-soft pile, boasting a silky texture with a lustrous glow that gracefully captures movement within the fibres. Tailored for high-traffic areas, this family-friendly collection seamlessly harmonizes style with functionality. Resistant to stains and water, it offers a robust solution for dynamic environments.


The Revive Rug Collection seamlessly blends luxury with practicality, offering an ultra-soft pile that's both opulent and resilient. With a silky texture and lustrous glow, these rugs capture movement in a sophisticated way, elevating any space.

Tailored for high-traffic areas, the collection effortlessly combines style and functionality. Resistant to stains and water, it's a durable solution for dynamic environments, making it ideal for families and pet owners. The added convenience of being machine-washable presents an eco-friendly alternative, ensuring easy maintenance and reusability.

Featuring 11 styles from transitional to contemporary, the Revive rugs offer a versatile design solution. Transform your space with enduring elegance and practicality, turning every step into a luxurious experience.


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