

Explore the Lotus Collection, a stunning range of rugs designed to infuse sophistication and artistic flair into any living space. This collection brings together three distinct styles: Lotus Abbey, Lotus Carl, and Lotus Leo, each crafted with high and low pile detailing that accentuates their unique patterns and adds a dimensional texture to their surface.


The Lotus Abbey rug showcases modern elegance with its curved arches, perfect for a contemporary aesthetic. Lotus Carl draws on Mid-Century inspirations, featuring curved oval shapes that convey a sense of movement and rhythm. Lotus Leo captures the essence of Art Deco design with its intricate geometric and curved shapes, making it a stunning choice for those seeking a blend of vintage and modern styles.

Each rug in the collection is available in three chic colourways—beige, white, and a mixed palette of beige and white—offering versatility to match a variety of decor designs. The subtle interplay of colours and textures across the collection ensures that each piece can stand alone as a focal point or work harmoniously with other decor elements.

The Lotus Collection defines thoughtful design for modern interiors. Ideal for contemporary or neutral settings, these rugs enhance any room with sophisticated patterns and elegant hues. Whether refreshing your space or starting from scratch, the Lotus Collection offers timeless elegance that seamlessly complements your decor.


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